Who am I, What is this, and Why are you here?

People take notes.

And people take notes SO DIFFERENTLY. Some are really uber detailed, and some just write one keyword and then expect themselves to remember the entire lecture.

There's something about notes that just convey something personal about you... They show what you focus on, what stood out to you. Your personality or current mood is reflected in the doodles that can be found in the margins (at least for me. The dogs I draw *always* represent my current mood.) Even handwriting can show a lot about you, and your wording is important too. It shows if you like to quote the speaker, or if you head off on your own and insert your own thoughts.

To sum up: I like notes. I will proceed to answer the above three questions... enjoy.


Long story short, I'm a kid who loves her school, loves her friends, and loves her God.

I have the privilege of going to the greatest school on earth. (I'm not joking.) It's gorgeous, the sports are like no other, and it's waaaaaay better than TCU (61-58). I couldn't be happier. Seriously, my dorm has the best people on earth. Which brings me to the people I've met.

Each and every one of them has had an impact on me. The people I've met in the Honors College are all so diverse in their interests, yet similar at the same time; rarely will I break out into Les Miserables in the lobby and NOT have someone join in. But then, I also get to enjoy the talents of music and languages that so many of the students I've met possess. Late night jam sessions (or study sessions) were never hard to join. Icees? Always. Late night walks? Of course. Doing Whatever? Duh. And don't forget all the other adventures. (But you'll have to ask me about those.)

Discussion of my friends brings me to that third topic: I love my God. I can't express how much I've learned in these two short semesters. I've switched churches and even changed some ideology. For the better. Gained a new found love of reading the Word of our God. I get to read something He sent straight to us; how awesome is that? It's incredible. But I digress. I'm flat out excited about what God is doing in my life, and the ways that I can impact others.

And man, I love my church.


This, my friend, is the product of one Sunday when I decided "You know? I take too many notes and they're too long, but they are pretty interesting. I should compile them."

... No, that's pretty much what happened. And suddenly, in one day, I had taken all the notes off my phone and transferred them to this blog.

I take notes in sermons during church. That's a thing. And if I'm on my phone, then I have the freedom to type really fast and get down as much as I can. Including my thoughts on what the pastor is saying, and insights into my life and how it applies. That's what this blog consists of - I don't necessarily feel the need to advertise this. If anything, this is a personal documentation of my notes that I can search in, refer to, and scroll through. I don't mind if people read it or not; it is primarily for my use.

Now, let me esplain a thing: reading this will be confusing. It will. There's no way around it. You're reading literally straight from my brain during a sermon, and I never said my brain was an easy thing to navigate. It'll be full of fragments, grammar mistakes, odd phrasing, and kumquats.


Honestly? I have no idea. Do you?

Cause real talk, I don't know if anyone will care to read this; but like I said before, it's primarily for my use. I wanted to document and keep all my notes in one place, but have them accessible. I thought maybe others would enjoy them, but if not, that's okay too.

If you read something you disagree with, or if something jumps out at you, or I make you angry, or I make you cry, or I make you bored, or you wanna discuss life or God or dogs or food, I'm your girl. I want to hear what you have to say about this stuff, because discussion of our God never gets old. I love talking about it. So contact me, send me a homing pigeon, write me something in Morse code, anything. I'm down.

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