Sunday, August 17, 2014

Self Control; notes from Pastor John Durham

Acts 24:1-6
(Click here to read it)

People will follow what you do, not what you say. 

Acts 24:25
Paul is talking to the governor of Palestine here. 

Paul is pointing out the righteousness that he knows Felix doesn't have. Felix married the daughter of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. And then now he's married to Drusilla. Felix moved from being a slave to a governor. 

Paul points out in Felix a...
1. Righteousness he doesn't possess.
2. Self-control that he doesn't exercise.
3. Unreadiness for the Judgement Day.

The combination of unrighteousness and self control is a bad combo. Felix has married the daughter of the king, and he is the governor of the city with the largest gold trade. He has no apparent reason to display self-control; why would he desire a bribe from the prisoner? He has everything. 

Self-Control: refusing to let what will rot rule the eternal 

Do not let yourself be ruled by temporary things. 

Proverbs 25:28
"Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control."

"Learning to say no will be of more use to you than learning to speak Latin." -- Charles Spurgeon

Self control can only be exercised when we are Spirit-controlled. 

To be Spirit controlled, you daily live like Christ. To talk to Him everyday, let Him control your actions. Let the Spirit control your life. 

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