Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Quiet Times, Acts Sunday

Omari Head 
(Until next year.) 

Matthew 5:14
You are the light of the world. 

How to spend time with Jesus. 
The very thing that got us freedom keeps us free. Why do we always forget that? 

Mark 1:35-39

It's really. Really. Really important to have a quiet time. Wahh. I've always struggled with it. And it has to be in the MORNING. 
There are no distractions. I have to set aside that time. 
"He went off to a solitary place", so he went to the place he could focus. Where he was alone and away from the noise of life. 

Matthew 6:5-8
The hypocrites would pray in public in the synagogues. Don't pray for the advantage of others seeing you pray. You should want to pray because you want to talk to God, and it shouldn't matter that nobody knows you're doing it. It's your relationship with Him, not mankind, that should be growing. 

I violently wish I could express in words how glorious and beautiful God is, and how I see Him in each little thing I come across. In my friends, in the leaf that falls and hits me on the head when I'm hammocking, in the clouds, in thinking about the tiny little processes going on in the blade of grass that I use to whistle. He just pervades His creation with this strength that I can't explain, and I can't explain how I'm reminded of Him and how He loves us constantly. It hits me so hard but no matter how I try the words I say don't do Him justice, because no words can, but... I just want to sit in His presence and appreciate it all. Appreciate His massive love for us and the way He reveals Himself in the subtle subtle ways that so often we look over. 


When you are light... Light is meant to be seen. It's meant to guide others. Are we walking as light? 
When I'm before people, am I light? 
When I'm with Jesus and nobody else, am I light? 

Ooh I love Jesus Calling. 

Five minutes with the Lord. 
1. Thank God. For everything. 
2. Praise God. Declare who the Lord is. (ABC's)
---those first two things put Him on the throne, and humbles us---
3. Confession. Ask for forgiveness. 
4. Pray for others. 
5. Listen to the Lord. 

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