Sunday, October 20, 2013

Psalm 125, a Song of Ascent

Are we looking to the right things for security?

The world tells us to look to popularity, or an alarm system, or some other method for security. Maybe our possessions or planning. Some look to their feelings to judge how secure they are, but feelings change daily.

We should actually look to God. He surrounds us as the mountains surround Jerusalem and He will not forsake us when we need Him. He gives us our true security and peace and we cannot depend on worldly things to take His place.

Even when it looks like evil is all around and it's going to last forever, we have to remember from verse 3 that evil is only temporary. Jesus will prevail in the end and we cannot get discouraged by what we see in a fallen world.

Our life of faith is like we are sitting in a FORTRESS, where nothing can get in. God surrounds us.

Just confessing does not give us a free card to sin. If one is really in the Lord, then they will have a desire to do as He says and will feel a longing in their heart to be as close to God as possible. The Holy Spirit will give them grief over their sin and they won't take it lightly. This is the difference between a true Christian and someone who is a hypocritical one.

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