Sunday, February 15, 2015

Passion, session 6

Session 6, Louie Giglio
February 1

Hebrews 10
We began with "it is finished", but it's closing with "it has just begun". 

Tetelestai. What's finished? The system. Sin. Shame. Self. 

One more thing is finished. Satan's power and reign is finished. 

Sitting down- a posture that indicates you are finished with the work you have to do. JESUS sits down at the right hand of God. He finished the work He came to do. 

In Acts, when Stephen was proclaiming JESUS, he was about to die and He looked up in heaven and He saw JESUS standing in heaven. He acknowledged that you have done well and have accomplished what He had for you to do. 

Jesus is seated, but He's not yet reclined. When He's REALLY finished He will put his feet on the footstool of our enemies, and He will be reclined forever and ever. Satan is done. 

The big miscalculation on the part of the enemy is that if they shut JESUS down they can shut everything down. But when Jesus was dying He was shutting THEM down. This reminds me of the chronicles of Narnia, how they thought that the death of ASLAN was such a significant and triumphant event when really He had a plan and knew that He was winning the entire time. 

He's talking about football and that's the best. He said the referee's hands went up... And they stay thereee, and they stay thereee... But yeah, laquan treadwell who plays for ole miss had a touchdown but he broke his ankle... There was so much celebration, but it was complex with the fact that he was seriously hurt. We're gonna win, but treadwell got seriously hurt... And JESUS died. It wasn't a fakeout. He died. What the enemy didn't fully understand was, they weren't killing JESUS, Jesus was killing them. Something did die that day, and it was the reign of satan. At the end of the story JESUS sat down, and in the final chapter He's going to recline and the enemies will be made His footstool and all will be completed. 

Even after a snake is dead, you can still get snakebit by the fangs. And that's the enemy. Satan is dead but we can still step on his mouth and get the poison of his fangs. How creepy is that? He's dead, but he's still talking. We don't understand that he's dead. "He roars around like a lion, seeking someone to devour". He's making us think that he has more power over us than we have over him. But he doesn't. His days are numbered. 

***greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city*** 

Treadwell didn't get the touchdown. 
Upon further review, the ball didn't break the plane of the endzone. Auburn recovered the ball. Upon further review... The enemy did not make it into the endzone. He did not score the final score. Upon further review, TETELESTAI. 

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