Saturday, January 31, 2015

Passion Session 5, You Are Awful

Session 5, Matt Chandler 

Sweet Jesus Christ my sanity
Sweet Jesus Christ my clarity 
Bread of heaven broken for me
Cup of salvation held out to drink 


You are awful, you are a hypocrite, you ARE a sinner; but look at how awesome God is. Let go of yourself and stay gazing at the Lord. 

He's talking about people living a duplicitous life, teaching the Bible but struggling with doubt and questions. 

Get your eyes off yourself. You're not awesome. You're not greater. The greater you think you are, the more enslaved you are to your perceived greatness. 

Acts 19 
"here's my handkerchief, go touch somebody with it" -matt Chandler 

I'm perplexed, but not crushed. 

Four things about God that will anger your soul. 

Romans 11:33-36
Paul, captivated in the Holy Ghost, pins these verses. 

1. God's transcendent wealth
All power and wealth and all economics belong to Him. 
Deuteronomy 10:14 
The heaven of heavens, not just heaven, belongs to God. His riches are VAST beyond all measure. As far as there is... It's God's. 
"There is not a square inch in the whole domain of human existence over which JESUS Christ does not call 'Mine'". 
If you are a painter, you are not creating new color. If you are a writer, you are not creating new language. If you are in construction, you can only build what you can afford to build. God's wealth doesn't work like that. He can build whatever He wants from nothing whenever He wants. If He wanted a new color, He could have it. Don't think of the creation as crowded; there was absolutely nothing until God said something. The universe is expanding in every direction. God's wealth is transcendent. He's never in a panic, wondering how to get you through college, worried about what job you'll get... When we understand that, we can have peace. Look at the birds. Just rest in His wealth and security. 

2. He is sovereign in His knowing. 
God knows every word of every language and every paragraph in every book in every library ever written ever. He knows ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. People try to pit science against faith and the overarching matter is that there is overlap that cannot be denied. 
The wisdom of this world is folly in the eyes of God... Let no one boast in man because all truth is yours, and you are Christ's and Christ is of God. 
The Word of God is inerrant. 

I'm not smart enough to argue with scientists, but I can wait until they figure out the things we already know (like that we came from one origin, one man and one woman) 

God knows EVERYTHING that's going on at the microlevel in the universe. My science classes blew my mind enough- I can't comprehend, can't fathom how He could know simultaneously every moment of mitosis and muscle contraction and brain synapse that occurs. AND everything macro, every star exploding and every planet turning. Not only this but every event that has ever occurred that started another event that started another event and how this situation led to another situation and every event that ever occurred in history EVER. 

It's okay to say that you don't know. 

3. How inscrutable are His ways. 
When men in the Bible try to bring God under scrutiny, they become terrified. When Job kinda shakes his fist at God for what's happened, God answers him.. Quite snarkily. Job 38:2... Who is this that darkens counsel with words without knowledge? 

Romans 9:20
Who are we to answer back to God? 

Romans 11:44
Who has known the mind of the Lord, and who has been His counselor? 

We have to see Him for who He is. He can be trusted for who He is. 

It's not that there won't be a mess, it's that He's there amidst it. He is for us, not against us. He is with us. 

Trying to give to God is like getting an allowance from your father and then buying Him a present with it. He is none the richer. 

He owes you NOTHING. which makes His gracious giving to us unbelievable. He owes us nothing and He has granted us everything. There is freedom there, we get to just chase Him and love Him and marvel in His generosity. 

4. God's glorious self-regard 
God wants to bless you and give to you. But there's something underneath all that generosity that we need to anchor in on- psalm 23:1. The motivation behind all that He does is for "HIS NAME'S SAKE". Everything is for the renown of HIS NAME. Everything is for the glory of God. 

Two reasons God being for God is such a big deal:

1. Since God is for God, all the commands in Scripture are not about taking from me but are about leading me into something better, into life 

He is about the praise of His glorious grace 
Singing is great but if it doesn't roll past singing to the creator of singing then it's wasted. 
Same with art. 
Art is great. But if art doesn't roll past itself to show the Creator of art Himself, the almighty painter of the world who can create colors and gives us the beauty of His creation, then it is for NAUGHT. Art with a lack of focus on His glory is useless. 

2. If God is about God, then it's not about me. 
The more life is about you, the more anxious frustrated combative you'll be. You will not be peaceful, everything is personal when it's about you. When it's not about you, you get to just breathe. 

Our Daddy rejoices in our baby steps :) we're walking, and He is overjoyed! By the grace of Christ, God does not love some future version of you. He doesn't just love you, he likes you! 

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