Saturday, January 31, 2015

Passion Session 3, the Workers are Few

Session 3, Christine Kain (spelling?) 

If it's finished and we are the tent of God, what are doing still on earth? 

Options are okay until they're not. At some point you have to cut off the options and commit- this is it, and this is the way I am going. 

1 Kings 19:2
The text tells about Elijah, who is fleeing- because Jezebel threatens to kill him. One person. How many times have we given up on something like ministry because one person has come against us and become angry? 

We are in a fight.. We aren't on a Disney cruise ship, we're on a battleship. And not for very long. Life is but a vapor. We have better things to do in the body than send negative messages to each other. Our only enemy is the devil. 

Anyway, so in verse 13...
Elijah expresses his discontent and he is told to go back the way he came. He is told to go and anoint Elisha as the next prophet after him. 

Within two chapters, Elijah goes from the heart of hearts, to the depths of despair, and then goes to find Elisha and then Elisha drops everything to follow Elijah. 

Elisha is not out looking for a mentor, he is WORKING. God tends to work with those who are already working. 

There is one love language and it's called die to self. 

nevertheless, not my will; but thy will be done. 

1 Corinthians 15:58
Give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord... 

Matthew 5:16 
We need to be doing good works... We are between the two advents of Jesus Christ and we have an assignment. 

If we are too busy waiting for all our options and waiting for what lines up to do our work... We are being counterproductive. We are so scared of talking bout work because we don't want to work. 

Ephesians 2:8 
JESUS saved us, completely. It is finished. JESUS did it all. Tetelestai. But we're still here. In heaven it's gonna be awesome, therefore, between Him finishing it and Him coming back what are we supposed to be doing? It is not by works we are saved, BUT we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 

At some point we've gotta stop talking and we've gotta start plowing. 

Matthew 9:37-38
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore then pray to the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth workers. 

Where is the generation that says they will co-labor with God? 

Am I bringing everyone home that JESUS put me here to take home? 

Daniel 11:32
Those that know their God will perform great exploits. 

Promotions come from God, he opens doors that no man can shut. But that also means he can close doors. There's some reason that I didn't get hired at pine cove. Maybe there were just other people that needed the position more than I did. Maybe others had more to learn. I just wasn't meant to be there.
He has something else for me. 

Matthew 4 when JESUS called the disciples. The disciples were working, they weren't sitting at the coffee lounge. They were ordinary people. 

Some of us are not willing to kill our oxen and burn our plows to completely follow JESUS, no turning back. No plan B. No longer 250 things on the menu, no longer 87,000 options for drinks at starbucks, it's just JESUS. Elisha went to be a servant. That's the goal. Elisha has performed the second greatest number of miracles in the Bible after JESUS. God used him mightily. 

There are divine alignments for divine assignments. 
Is it enough to be insignificant in God's field rather than being significant in your field? 

Did we do everything He put us on this earth to do? 

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