Sunday, January 18, 2015

Acts, Evangelism; Pastor Booker

Revelation 1:17

God is my refuge 
And He is my strength 
A mighty strong tower 
Protector and friend 

Matthew 5:14
"You are the Light of the world..."

Literally, let your light shine. 
That is something we should all desire; to just exude Him with such intensity that people can't help but notice the effect He's had on our lives. 

When we live out the life of Jesus, it draws people to us. I want my heart to compel me to do things, I want the Church to be compelled to live the life He wants us to live; it's different from just feeling like you need to do something. 

Matthew 9:36
JESUS was distressed at the state of the crowd, because they were lost. I've had that feeling before; where I've been distressed and fretting for people I may not have even met. 

If we move towards Him and pray for Him to give us that heart, He will give it to us. 

God, break my heart. 

I want the foundation of my life to be centered around spending time in Your presence. 

The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. 
There is a HUGE harvest.. Ready, right now. But who's going to go pick it? Now is the time, but there aren't enough people to go get the harvest. We are people of laziness, we want to sit inside and not go out into the fields, while JESUS is going out into the fields. 

Do you want to know about Jesus or do you want to look like Jesus? 

If you look like Him, you're gonna know Him. 

I want to get to a place where I'm not telling people about Jesus because I'm supposed to, but because my heart compels me. That should be one of my strongest desires; why would I not want others to know the JOY that they can receive from the Lord, while so many of them are hurting? God, break my heart for what breaks yours. Give me the courage and compel me to go out and spread Your love. 

That's what I'm doing with my summer. A mission trip. I know it. Pine cove, honors line camp, they both aren't happening because I need to go on a mission trip. 

Jesus is glorified when I live out my life in such a way that people begin to praise Him. 

Nothing is going to change unless our hearts do. 
(To be honest I felt like I just sounded like the Once-ler from the Lorax)

The way to get our hearts to change is to pray. 

Hebrews 12:1

Turn my eyes upon JESUS, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. 

Challenge, that is the entire reason I'm at acts. That's why I'm here. I spent too long at a church that wasn't challenging me in my faith... And now, this is where God wants me. He's taking me out of my comfort zone. Church is not for simply going to hear about Jesus; its to equip us to get out and evangelize. 

John 17:11
"You are not of this world, but you're in it. I've sent you to it."

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