Friday, January 23, 2015

Thursday Nights at Brooklyn's


Dispersion- when the Jews were dispersed. First when they were taken to Babylon, then in 135 AD... Since then israel has not been a nation. A lot were killed and others were carried off to other nations. Then the Arabs took over their land. In 1948 israel took over their nation again. 

Diaspora- the bringing back of the Jews 
^the number of Jews in Jerusalem has increased from something like 40,000 to 160,000 in the past ten years (don't quote me)

Genesis 17:7-8
Gods covenant with Israel from the very beginning

It is to Isaac that he promised the land of Canaan. Even if Israel were to give all of Israel to the Islamic world, it wouldn't end the fight; Israel is the "punching bag that satan gets to punch"... Satan goes after God. God is the ultimate target. Israel is the manifestation of God's promises. Go after Israel to get to the God of Israel. 

The validity of what we're discussing depends on the promises of God; if you believe in the God of the Bible, then you must embrace His promises. We are seeing the manifestation of being born again in the situation in Israel. 

Palestine is not in the Bible. Philistine is the name of the land. It was first the Syrians, Babylonians, Greeks, etc. Israelites had a great revolt against the Greeks and they established the Maccabees. Then the Romans came and put an end to it. They rule until 66 AD. There was another revolt. By 70 AD, Jerusalem fell. Then the Romans allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and maintain certain independences until there was another revolt in 130 AD. And it was tragic. They are now embracing someone else as their messiah (some B name) since they rejected JESUS. There's no more temple and no more Israel. 135 AD Jerusalem was leveled, and there was a pagan city built there with some fancy name. The name of the country was also changed to "Syria palestina" (I.e. The Old Testament foes of the Jews) 
The name of Israel was erased. 

Who were the philistines? Sea people from the Greek isles. Nothing to do with Arabs. But if you analyze the name, in Hebrew it means the "invader". The name Palestine was there since 135 AD. The change was embraced and kept until 1948. David (gregoriam?) stood on a podium and told the world that he declared the establishment of the state of the Jews, and it would be called the state of Israel. 

Romans 11:17-21

Isaiah 66:7-8
Can a nation be born in a day?

First phase of diaspora, only Judah and Levi returned. 


What's going on in the Middle East?

Most of the Middle East was created by the Brits and the French. 

ISIS: the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria 

What's the difference between Sunni and Shiites? 
The only difference is who has the right to take over the Muslim world after Muhammad died. The sunni's believe one guy, and Sunni means "one who follows the traditions of the prophet". The follower of Muhammad should be the next one. 
The Shiites believe it has nothing to do with who is capable, but the bloodline of Muhammad. Should be his cousin. "The group that follows Ali" 

Iran created a whole web of secret wars to perpetuate the war with Israel as opposed to America. They're trying from both sides to come against Israel. They started sending ships into the Red Sea with many firearms. 

Watch Syria... Because the destruction of Damascus is a prophecy that has not yet been fulfilled; it will start the whole thing. 
^there was lots of evidence for that, but I didn't write any of it down. Take my word for it. 

Romans 11:11-13

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