Friday, January 30, 2015

PASSION Session 1, Louie Giglio; Tetelestai

JESUS you alone are my hiding place
My all in all
My everything

Passion. 2015. Let's go. 

Louie Giglio

Where JESUS ended His life on earth, our life began. 
JESUS came to be the way maker for us to come into a relationship with our Creator. He is the only person that could bring us from death to life. When He completed what He came to do, He returned to be seated on the throne; but He is COMING BACK. this is not past tense, it's present tense. There is the Coming of Jesus. 

Jesus is coming back. Soon. 

People who live life the most are the people who factor that into their daily decisions. 
How can we get outside of information.. Looking in at the story, but instead knowing we are IN the story. We are in on everything. He was speaking to us. To you and me. We are in the story of Jesus. 

God wants to awaken you to the idea that He has a place in His story for you. 

By God's own power and might, He has spoken into existence everything that exists, and THEN in His desire to share His creation He created man and woman in the very likeness of God. We know intrinsically that we were made for something more- by God and for God, with divinity woven into us. We find our purpose in God. He has given each of us unique gifts, unique abilities, a unique place in life- we all have a role in the never ending story of God. He's the star, but by His grace we are in His movie. 

God has put you on earth in a story that's already going on. It's called history. His story. 

We're looking into our story and our history and learning everything that was true of Jesus is true of us, and it affects our lives. 

John 19:28

Jesus was on the cross for six hours. 
Later, after all this was completed, JESUS said "I am thirsty." After He received a drink, He said "it is finished". With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. Three words in English, one word in the language JESUS spoke. Just one word (tetelestai) that he spoke. The people on the ground were able to hear Him. He came to the conclusion of everything He came to do. He spoke that to us. He spoke it over our life, because it's a defining word of who we are, representing the way it launches us into God's great story. 

Words are so powerful. 
I should know from Baby Ruths. 
So many words have been spoken over our lives like abandoned, rejected, divorced. Divorce in my life. When that word was spoken it defined my family structure and how I answered questions and how I answered things on forms. Some people in some form of words are told that they are inadequate or they aren't smart enough or aren't pretty enough. 

Cancer. Death. 
Those words are defining. 

There are positive words too. Engaged, employed, yes. The words DO attach themselves to our sense of worth and value, and our perception. 

You know Tswift? Shake it off? The remarkable thing is, we DONT shake it off. We can't. That's why it's so infectious, why people like it- because we don't shake it off. Aaaand now louie is quoting shake it off. He's fantastic. 
We don't shake it off, because when words come to strangle us, we can't just peel it off with a clever Tswift lyric. 
He thinks the reason she is such a phenomenal artist is because she has tapped into the idea that people are tired of other people defining us by their opinions and their words. 

A lot of us are living out of faults and values that dominate and dictate how we see ourselves. 

Tonight, JESUS speaks to us- tetelestai. It is finished. The Son of God has come to do an amazing thing, and He already accomplished it. His last words are our first words; where our life begins. 

No likes or comments on Instagram or compliments or fame anything will add one iota to your life. 

Jesus died during the Passover. That's why there were so many people in Jerusalem when JESUS died. They came to Jerusalem to remember when MOSES led the people out of Egypt. The angel of death passed over the houses that had the blood of a lamb over their door. Pharaoh was no match for the history maker, God. For centuries afterward, they would celebrate that night. 

Hebrews 10:11-14

"...because by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." 

Death had ONE SHOT and it picked the wrong person. 
Death is real, but spiritual death is DONE for everybody who puts faith in the body of the Son of God who took death from us and said it is finished. So finished. So done. 9000% done. 

You know what else was finished? Shame. It was finished right then and there. 

We are spiritual rejects, spiritual failures. The enemy dumps guilt and shame on our life and that's how we operate. 

Our shame and condemnation is finished. Our guilt is finished. He took it. We cannot be defined by it because we've already been defined by the word and truth of Jesus. 

"It's time to blow out the candles on the pity party cake." 


When he said at 3:00pm that it's finished, we severed all ties to the shame we were dragging through life. 

We are not unworthy. 

That is perfect passive indicative. 
Perfect indicates it's an action that's completed, and ongoing; with full effect. He is not going back to the cross. 

Something else was finished. Sin, and the death it wanted to permanently bury us with. We sing because we are not dead. We're not perfect, but we aren't dead. We're not better than everybody else, but we aren't dead. Our first thought when we wake up in the morning should be that we aren't dead. The enemy tried to permanently separate us from God, but we saw JESUS and He gave us the gift of everlasting life. 
We are ALIVE. 

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