Sunday, January 25, 2015

Acts Sunday, Pastor Booker

Matthew 5

So in Bible times, the home was very important. It was a place that was open to all, where they would meet in God's name and fellowship together 

Verse 16
Don't live your life so that you are glorified. God should be the one who draws the attention of others looking at your life. 

You can't give what you don't have. If we have the mindset of "God is pleased with me when I share the Gospel" then people are going to realize that, and we should evangelize for that purpose. When a joyful, free disciple goes out as opposed to someone who has not embraced the freedom of God, it's evident JESUS has DONE something in that person's life- and people will want that joy. 

That's how I witnessed first- I had an uncanny joy that my friend wanted, and I was able to tell him it was JESUS. 

Free people make good evangelists; those in bondage don't. 

Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom Christ has set us free.. Therefore stand firm in that freedom, and do no let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. 

Luke 6:45 
Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. 
^i was just considering this. How much do I rely on interjections like frickin and cuss and darn and dang and etc? And how does that hurt my witness? When I tell someone not to cuss they can just say "well it's no different when you do it". Thus, I am writing this down to record it- that I will not be doing that anymore. There is no reason for me to get so emotionally worked up over something to where I cannot contrive an intelligent way to say that I am overjoyed or frustrated. 

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom 
Every chain is broken through you JESUS 

Do we understand the freedom that we can have? 

We're trying to tell the world about Jesus, but we're in the same bondage theyre in. We should understand the bondage because we've BEEN there, and we get it. 

John 8:31
...The truth will make you free. 

Matthew 16:24
Matthew 6:3-4

Kelsey told me a thing! 
We were talking after church and I was reading john 14:27 (I had just underlined it) and she said that she really loves that verse. There was a time where she was receiving lots of good things from the world and she was surprised, and she realized that God never said that the world would not give good things. But, God does not give as the world gives. The peace and blessing that God gives is infinitely more valuable than anything the world can give us. 

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