Saturday, January 31, 2015

Passion Session 4, Temptation

Session 4, Ben Stuart 

This is a strategy session. How do we struggle well? If feels like we're in a war sometimes because we are in a war. The Son of God appeared to destroy the works of the devil. 

Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.

Spirituality for those in Christ is one movement with two parts. Flee youthful lusts. There are ways of thinking and living that can't be a part of our lives with Jesus. Theologians call this sanctification, the process of being made holy. 
Mortification: we have to kill some of our old habits 
Vivication: bringing to life some things in our relationships and spiritual life

What God knows 
What God does 
What we do in response 

1. He knows you and your will and your tendencies 

James 1:13
Each person is tempted when he's lured by his own desires 

What you think about will be what you care about, and what you care about, you will chase. 

We all struggle. James says we are lured and enticed by our own desires. It's the height of ignorance to say we don't struggle. How does the devil get to you? Become a student of yourself. Watch your life and your doctrine closely. Know the lies you'll believe. Know the dangerous places you can fall. You'll save both yourself and those who look to you for guidance. 

"I watch and I pray that I don't enter into temptation." 
Eliminate the moment. Eliminate the temptation. 

Two steps and a slide. 
He's talking about christian relationships that go too far past the physical boundary. At baby RUTHS we talked about boundaries- whatever boundary we set, our sin nature will cause us to go two steps and a slide past that. And it can lead to places that you never meant to go. Therefore you have to remove yourself from the situation of ever having temptation in the first place. 

James says to look downstream- if you start going this direction, where does is lead, and is that where you want to be?

If you unite yourself with desire, she's going to get pregnant and that baby is called sin. 

James 1:17 
Deception fuels temptation. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father. The deception that powers temptation is the belief that God is not a good Dad. Because we believe God and His ways won't take care of us. 

Write your full name on a piece of paper and then draw a line behind it. Then write the first word that comes to mind. 

The best defense against sin is a good offense. The best way to push away the desires of sin is to replace them with a more beautiful thing, with the majesty of God and His love. 

"The all seeing sun has never seen her match since first the world begun"
^lol. Romeo saying this about Rosalind. 
But it's so accurate. Romeo was saying there was nothing better than Rosalind and he was so upset but there was, there WAS a something more beautiful. We say there is nothing more beautiful than sin but there IS. be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

Philippians 4:8

Think about God, love God, and chase God. 

Saving private Ryan- the scene on the beach at D-Day. Two types of soldiers. One looks peaceful and serene. One looks agitated and afraid. What's the difference? The soldier that looked calm is dead. Dead people aren't conscious of the battle around them. They don't flinch at a bomb. They don't shy away from shotguns. It's the soldiers that are alive that so acutely are aware of the battle around them. Our struggle is one of our greatest assurances that we are ALIVE. We are not to wallow in it, it's an invitation to FIGHT. 

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